Yuriko Kuga
Movement is life. Life is a process. Improve the quality of the process and you improve the quality of life itself.
— Moshe Feldenkrais

Born in Tokyo, Yuriko relocated to Paris in 1990’s. She worked in the different multinational companies from fashion to industry. While she has always been attracted to sport activities, her problem of low back pain since childhood, and the sedentary mode that prevails in modern life have not helped her restore the good posture.
She, therefore, started a relentless search for methods of whole body-wellness to ease her chronic back pain. Among the different methods that she had experienced, the discovery of the Feldenkrais method was the turning point for her. It completely changed not only her daily life, but also her professional career.
Practicing the method regularly has allowed her to improve considerably her posture, and to treat her back pain problems. The method was so beneficial to her well-being that she decided to be a Feldenkrais practitioner. To do so, she followed the professional Feldenkrais training accredited by the Euro Tab1 in Paris (Accord Mobile) and became a certified practitioner in 2009.
It was also the beginning of her journey in the practice of « mind-body » wellness. Driven by her desire to discover the functioning of our body in movement (self awareness through physical movement) and to learn how to move with fluidity and with minimum tension, she also decided to follow different professional trainings: Anatomy of movement (Blandine Calais-Germain), Polestar Pilates2 (USA), Yamuna Body Rolling3 (USA) and Anatomy Trains4(USA).
Since her professional reconversion in 2009, she has been teaching the Feldenkrais method in Paris and also integrates different mind-body approaches she has learnt to help her students restore in movement and enjoy a healthy life.
Passionate about the extraordinary potential of the human body, Yuriko wants to explore with her students real body intelligence through the development of better self-awareness, and a more precise self-image, in harmony with oneself.
Fully convinced by the learning process proposed by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, Yuriko participates regularly in postgraduate trainings taught by internationally distinguished trainers (Eilat Almagor, Anat Krivine Israel) in different countries.
- Euro Tab (accreditation committee for Feldenkrais trainings in Europe and Israel).
- established by Brent Anderson (PhD, PT, OCS) and Elizabeth Larkam, co-founder/Feldenkrais practitioner, focusing on whole body health with science-based techniques: anatomy/physiology, biomechanics, motor control/kinesiology, bioenergetics.
- experimental approach for learning our body by following specific corporal schemes in relation with neuro muscular system using the balls in different size.
- a whole system’s view of the body-wide connections among the muscles within the facial net developed by Thomas W. Myers.